Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Andrus Family Reunion in Lava Hot Springs, ID

Happy Birthday Kaleb & Sage!Ok, so don't ask me how I got myself into this but Uncle Ken told me that "tomorrow we have a great tradition of playing the Great Mousecapades". The next day, reunion day, he some how framed me as the poster child of these great mousecapades & gets me a stick and leads me & all the other participants up to the sheep feeder troughs. The men then proceeded to tip over the feeder boxes where tons and tons of mice squirmed and ran all over the place while we had to kill them with our sticks to keep them from eating & destroying the feeder boxes. Holy freakin' cow-you can only imagine the feelings I had! :-) However, much to Ken's and my surprise I went at it. It was either kill or have them crawling up my legs. So i had a total of 9 under my belt. Even though Fusser had like 100, I was still quite proud of myself. Thanks Ken for the fun! Something I definately won't forget, but will probably never do again! Ha.
The Barn
Jess' Uncle Ken-the ring leader!
All the Mousketeers!Kaleb & GrandpaI did all the little girls hair for the day and then comes along the most coolest mother-in-law ever (mine), Louise and lets me work my crazy magic on her hair. She gave me permission to do cute or crazy so I went with crazy and gave her the spikes for the day. Needless to say...she probably won't ask me to ever do her hair again! What a good sport! Love ya Louise!

Sidewalk chalkin'
Kaleb finally went through so many changes of clothes we finally just left him with no clothes.
Yo Cuz!
Jessi & Hannah
Feeding the baby sheep!

Watching Wyoming purchased fireworks. Thanks for the show Willis!

1 comment:

oodlesofoversons said...

You have no idea how much I am freaking out over the mice thing. I threw up in my mouth. I don't think I can eat lunch now. I would've FREAKED it they had done that to me, so good for you for being a trooper! Love your guts!