Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sledding With the Fam

Pappy has the best sled in the world. It holds the most people and it is the most controlable and sturdy sled. And it's from the 80's! They just don't make things like they used to. Ha ha.

Unfortunately, we did have one accident. Poor McKenzie was going down the hill super fast with little brother Bo. They were headed right for a tree and rock. So cute Kenzie turned herself to protect Bo and smashed her back right into a sharp edge of the big rock. Good thing she ended up being ok, but there was a local fireman on site who had to come check her out! What a little hero.
Jessica loved sledding until she went down the hill! All the snow sprayed up in her face and then she was done for the rest of the day. So she and Kenz took refuge on the chairs with the treats!


oodlesofoversons said...

YEAH! Finally a new post...and a cute cute one! Looks like fun!

Kory Klein said...

So much fun! We can't wait to see you guys at the beach tomorrow!

Shelby said...

Your family is so cute! I love seeing all your pictures!

Kyle Peterson said...

Looks like fun. Remember our days sledding in Marrcrest. For some reason I used to think that hill was so big. Looks like it's been a good winter, there hasn't been that much snow for a long time!

Emily and Mike said...

Hey Lindsay! I am not sure how often you check this, but I thought I would give it a shot! This is Emily Watkins, I saw your blog through Neysa's. It is great to see you are all doing well. I hope everything is going great with you. Drop me a line sometime!

Neysa said...

Lindsay, you have the cutest pictures on your blog. Your kids are so cute. Give us a call and we can get our kids to play or we can double.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay! It's Shaunee (McGuire) Adams. I found your blog on Neysa's. Looks like you are doing great! I'm so glad I got to see pictures of your cute family. Hope you are doing well!

Ryan and Hailee said...

Hey Lindsay, it was so fun to see you in St. George, Tess can't stop talking about playing with Jessie in the pool, we'll have to get our girls together again sometime. I hope you had a fun trip!!