Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Love Spiders!

I was upstairs with the baby this morning and could hear Jessi downstairs yelling to me that she needed to change the diaper. I assumed she meant her own diaper, but when I came down the stairs I found that she meant she needed to change somebody else's diaper. So instead of playing with her doll, she now likes our Halloween spider.


Rachel said...

Aaron would HATE those pictures. A spider in any form is not a joke to him! I love it. Yes, I think that spider is big enough to need a diaper. Good thinking Jessi!

oodlesofoversons said...

That is hilarious and so cute!! I'm so glad you're a blogger, now, Fork ;o)

shannon said...

HOORAY!!!!! You have a BLOG! I love it! Jessi is a hoot! Love you!

oodlesofoversons said...

What exactly have the Cooks and Roberts done to deserve their links to be listed TWICE??? Man, Linds, I thought I knew you better than that ;0)

oodlesofoversons said...

Oh wait...and the Earnests & Stenquits???? Whatever!